About me

Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit my website. My name is Alexandra and I am an intuitive tarot reader. I am able to channel messages directly from spirit and use tarot as a tool to assist me. I am also blessed to be able to connect with those who have departed, although I will be honest and say this is all still very new to me and I am still learning as I go. Being empathic and able to be so sensitive has been a gift ever since I was a child. Later on in life suffering from severe anxiety and depression, it wasn’t until 2020 where I began my spiritual journey and had a massive awakening (check out my “How It All Started”). I began to receive messages intuitively and used tarot as a form of assistance. I am continuing to work on myself, as we all know HEALING never ends. With my abilities consisting of mediumship, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairempathy, clairsentience, and clairalience I am sure I can help guide you in the correct path on your unique journey. 

How it all started

During my early years of life, I always knew I was diffferent. Always being able to feel everyone’s vibes, emotions, and even physical symptoms. At that time, no one really knew what the word EMPATHIC even meant so I shrugged things off for many years. Throughout my teenage years I became fascinated with TAROT CARDS. I would read them for my family and friends but it was just a hobby. Little did I know that that hobby would turn into a PASSION of mine in my late 20’s. 

It was throughout the pandemic that I decided to really work on myself and heal so that I could align with my true purpose, which was always to be of service to others. After all, my life path number is 6. I decided to really dive deep, get that shadow work done and ultimately get to a place where I was proud and happy with my growth. Not to say it was easy, because trust me when I say it was the most uncomfortable experience I had ever put myself in. I was coming clean in ways I thought I would never, but in doing so I gained clarity and the ability to move past all my traumas and truly dive deep into my passion and my true souls’ purpose. 

Now I am at a place where I accept my past and this journey we all call LIFE. I am ready to help others heal. Whether it may be seeking guidance through Tarot for love, career, life choices, or a message from a deceased loved one; I will try my best to bring you the clarity and comfort you seek. I want to be the first to THANK YOU for entrusting me with your personal journies because although the road to healing and self discovery may not be the easiest of one, you have taken the necessary steps and that is the beginning in making the world a better place for us all.